Series description
“The Fifth Day” is a series of acrylic paintings I’ve been working on that depicts wildlife in my signature style, being painted realistically and are highlighted with gold leaf. The name of the series refers to the day on which God created the birds in the seven days of Creation. This can be found in Genesis 1:20-23.
“Fifth Day” Part 1 painting #1
“Imperial Majesty” is the first painting in my this series. The Mandarin duck is native to parts of Asia and, when paired with his mate, is a symbol of balance. I plan on painting a pair at some point down the road.
“Imperial Majesty”
This was the first painting I did for this series. I decided to paint a Mandarin duck for its brilliant colors and regal aesthetic.
The male Mandarin duck, when partnered with its mate, is a symbol of balance. The females are more neutral in coloring to provide her with camouflage for protecting her nest.
I plan on painting a male and female pair of these ducks in the future.
My Personal Touch
The gold leaf really not just the subject but the painting as a whole to stand out. This is my signature medium for my wildlife paintings. I am excited to see where I grow with this medium as I work with it more.
“Fifth Day” Part 1 painting #2
“Scalawags” is the second painting in my series of bird paintings. There something about pelicans that makes me think of mischievous seafarers.
“Fifth Day” Part 1 painting #3
“Marvelous” is the third painting in part on of this series. I painted the Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird at the recommendation of a friend. Hummingbirds have a special place in my heart and I’m so grateful for my friend’s suggestion.
Making the work stand out.
By incorporating the gold leaf, the work stands out from all other paintings. I try to paint subjects that may hold a special place in people’s hearts so there can be a connection for the viewer of the piece.